If I am repaired, can we meet again for the first time, in all of the places I have feared to go, and then, again, in all of the places I will have forgotten, if I am repaired?



Here is the desk drawer in which all of my odds and ends are kept, tidbits that would otherwise never see the light of day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Pete's Little Saga, Part I

When they finished their business, Harley and Bobo trotted out across the cropped and amber hayfield, due west, the sun rising behind them.
     Pete and I watched. It was cold and wet. Even still, Pete whimpered and tugged at his lead, desperate to follow the big dogs.
     ‘Not a chance, buddy,’ I told him. ‘You’re a house dog now.’
     Pete’s a pup. A stray pup. A stray pup with an eleven-inch pin and four loops of wire holding his left femur together. Spiral fracture. Hit by a car. We assume.
     I paid for the fix. All in all about twelve hundred dollars. Twelve hundred dollars I don’t have.

     Pete asked me to.  


  1. pins, wire and listening can hold more than a body together.

  2. I'm still reculerating from the 1200 $...
    I suggest that from now on you call him
    'Golden Eye Pete'
    'Million Dollar Pete'
    'Slum Dog Millionaire Pete'


    1. He's definitely the most expensive dog I've ever had :)

    2. Oh well, you know what they say, it's better to spend them on your dog than if you have to pay them for hospital-costs.
      And I bet he's worth ever dollar.


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