If I am repaired, can we meet again for the first time, in all of the places I have feared to go, and then, again, in all of the places I will have forgotten, if I am repaired?



Here is the desk drawer in which all of my odds and ends are kept, tidbits that would otherwise never see the light of day.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Slightly Introspective

When ever I roll up an extension cord, of the fifty or one hundred foot variety, I can hear my father say, “Extension cords have a memory. Roll them back the way they ask and they’ll never argue with you later.”

I took this literally when I was a kid. Maybe because life back then was all about memorizing stuff: words and colors and equations and bible verses. Memory was strictly a human trait.

I’ve learned since then, how the wires inside of an extension cord are twisted—spiraled so that the cord will roll out and lay fairly flat, yet with a little added care in rolling it back, an extension cord will return to its original coil, in much the same way a cowboy’s lariat will. A Cowboy could explain anything in those days.

It struck me though, last night, as I was rolling up yet another cord and listening to the pearls of my father, rattling around in my head - along with a vision of an extension cord, thrown carelessly into the back of Brrrre… well, somebody’s… truck, because it was ‘too late to dick with them’, now in frustrating snarls - how there is something else to be learned here… about memories and treating things the way they ask to be treated… and the rewards therein. A parable of sorts?

I suppose that into every corner is swept some bit of wisdom; another way to elucidate the well-elucidated and what would seem to be fairly obvious. So, I am sorry for the re-hashing. It just struck me, and you know how I get when I am struck.  


  1. Extension cords and long lengths of rope are aliens from another dimension. They are here to frustrate me to death.

  2. O.F., Extension cords don't hold a candle to those god-forsaken ratcheting straps. I hold three Olympic distance records for tossing them, along with several gold medals for the combined expletives.

    Thank you Stephanie :)

  3. I think you have something there... it is like everything has a pattern or lack of pattern whichever that things pattern is...

    ... your father sounds like a very thoughtful person.


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